Saturday, February 9, 2008

Not quite as computer-inept as I thought

Check out the sidebar - I added a slideshow of my Project Linus quilts this morning and I didn't have to ask anyone a question! That's pretty good for me. I used to honestly try to keep up on new PC developments, until one day I just said "Enough". I learn what I need to learn at the time I need it, and I absolutely don't do any reading up "for fun" because it isn't.

Computers aren't fun for me. They're a tool. Like a hammer. I ran analytical software at work before I retired and I prepared calculations and other documents, but all this web hoo-hah? Nuh-no. To put it in perspective: when I started college in engineering, we used slide rules. I don't own an I-Pod, my cellphone doesn't take pictures and I still own a turntable, although it isn't hooked up at the moment. (Hi, I'm an old dog, nice to meet you.)

The slideshow is only rotating pictures of five quilts, but it will be more interesting when I complete a few more. I'm sewing as fast as I can!

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