Friday, May 14, 2010

How charm-ing

This charm pack stuff is addictive.

I might just be the last quilter in America to succumb to French General's "Rouenneries" line. When I first saw it, I said "Well, that's pretty, but I don't use red." However, when I was at the quilt shop Tuesday, I found the last two charm packs and the last bolt of red fabric, all marked down and thought "Let's see what I can do. I can always give it to someone."

A little time on EQ and I had a design. At first, the blocks were to be 12", but after assembling one, I changed my mind and reduced the size to 9". Just can't love large blocks, no matter how much I try! That of course meant assembling the subunit HSTs and four patches and trimming them all to size, a job I detest, but it surely makes for accurate piecing. And the top went together like a, ahem, charm.

So, without further ado I give you "Stars over Rouen".


Three Birds Inspired said...

Very nice! I enjoy working with charm squares. I am basically in favor of anything that does most of my cutting for me!

Elaine Adair said...

I LOVE 9 inch blocks - they just seem to be prettier than larger 12 inch blocks - not sure why. This IS a pretty result. Good job! 8-)))

Linda said...

Ahem, lovely! See, red isn't bad...

joe tulips said...

How much was left over from the charm squares when you cut these? Or did the cuts use up the 5 inches. My Frolic blocks were the first charm pack that I have sewn.
I love the quilt...and the color red!! I am not a big fan of 12 inch blocks either.