Monday, March 8, 2010

A new low in criminal behavior

I called my Mom this morning and asked "What's new?"

She replied that the sheriff's deputy had just left after filling out a theft report. She got up this morning and discovered that someone had stolen the downspouts from the rain gutters on her garage. OK, I know that times may be tough, but that has to be a new definition for petty theft. How much could you get for the scrap aluminum in five 12 foot long downspouts? Maybe enough for lunch at McDonald's. They also tried to break into her storage building (for the third time) but she has a mega-lock on it now and they didn't get far.

This is absolutely ridiculous. To know there is someone low and miserable enough out there that they would steal the rain gutters from an 86 year old woman's property - and the pitiful thing is that she is 90% certain she knows who did it, and it's a neighbor. But how do you prove it?

She's having the power company install a new mercury vapor light on the utility pole so that the back yard is better illuminated. But that doesn't remedy the fact that the neighborhood is seriously going downhill. It used to be that in the area where I grew up most people didn't have a lot of money, but they weren't trash. Now it seems it's being overrun with sleazy people who will pick up anything that's not nailed down (and yank down stuff that is) and walk away with it. Floodlights probably won't deter them.


momtofatdogs said...

My freind, Pam, lives less than one mile from me. Same neighborhood. Someone came to her door last week "looking for a puppy", that night WHILE SHE WAS HOME - they came back & stole her trailer out of her yard. Bold, bold, BOLD. I told her she needs a good dawg. Ours (the trailer) is in the dog pen. If they think they can get it from Briscoe & Brandy....More so Brandy then Briscoe.....they can have it. Minus a few chunks off their butt. I'd lay $$ on it!


The Calico Cat said...

So sorry to hear this... To think your mom probably would have fed them if they were that hingry...

Elaine Adair said...

My word! A new low for humanity!

Paula, the quilter said...

Good heavens! I know people are gutting foreclosed houses for the copper pipe, but this is really low.

catsinger said...

...after my Dad died, Mom continued to live on the ranch out in the country... after a break-in, she got bars on the only windows accessible outside of the fenced-in dog yard...
also an alarm, flood lights and a better back door with an actual lock...
she was never bothered again, but she was lucky. So many older people have become targets of the lazy & unscrupulous...
wishing her safety & good health...

The Calico Quilter said...

Thanks for the good thoughts, Catsinger. I don't think these people are dangerous, just shiftless and thieving. Her house locks up like a Fort Knox bank with deadbolts etc. but the outbuildings were vulnerable. She was a combination of shaken and angry, and kept saying "What have I done to deserve this?"

catsinger said...

...folks of that generation tend to be trusting... I know Mom was... but boy, did she toughen-up after the break-in... and became more pro-active, which was a good thing...
hope everything works out for her...