Does this look familiar? A Quiltville group member in Belgium made a version of Carolina Christmas in colors something like these - mine are paler - and varied the blocks by adding the squares of the opposing colors in the centers. Stars get red centers, poinsettia blocks get blue ones. I liked the look so much that I decided to try it and initially was going to make this half scale, but after a test block I decided to do a smaller (3 x 3) quilt in full size instead. I have made and admired miniature quilts before but this one didn't work. The shrunken design was too busy and ditsy and you couldn't see the details on the fabric. This quilt will have the pieced border too and will be 60" x 60". It will grace my back hall wall during the winter. Something about it reminds me of winter, with the frosty blues, and red and green blocks that echo the colors of my holllies and nandinas during the winter.
Now all I have to do is get it finished before spring.
Very nice. I'm still on step 3. lol.
Hey friend, I love this and what a great interpretation. I agree, it has a winter feel to it with teh frosty blues, and red and green blocks which you mention echo the colors of your hollies other winter blooms. How fantastic. You rock!!! Thanks for sharing this. I really, really love it. It's nice to see a quilt in a variety of colorways.
I really like your colors on this one. Lovely...hugs, Linda
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