Sunglasses? Check. Sunblock? Check. Box of Kleenex (it's pollen season)? Check. Towels for perspiration? Check. Cordless phone, thermos of water, extra key so I don't accidentally lock myself out? Check, check, check.
Gee, what a load. I'm only going 50 feet from the house, after all. Oh well, better to be prepared!
Oh stop, stop - I can't bear it!!!! We're still only barely green, daffodils are up, but yesterday a brief rain ended up with the normal HAIL! About the time I found towels to cover up my plants, and got thunked on the head, etc., the hail was gone -- my daffodils DID survive, fortunately.
Wahhhh, I wish I was back in GARDEN COUNTRY!!!
...I love the old fashioned colored petunias[lavender...]and what kind of tomatoes are they ?... we've been having fits of rain & I really need to get out & "at it"...perhaps you've inspired me...
I got Brandywine and Mr. Stripey heirloom tomatoes and Rutgers and Fourth of July (a early bearer) for the regular hybrids. Covering all bases, I guess, in case the heirlooms don't do well here. Everything's planted except my hanging manger baskets because I forgot to get new coco fiber liners. After I do that and hose off the patio furniture, we'll be set for summer!, I'm jealous...I haven't found Mr Stripey yet, though I found a Prudens Purple, the leaf looks like Brandywine...and a "red/gold stripe"... but I haven't given up yet...
I've seen the Rutgers & 4th of July...
what is the Rutgers like?
Oh how I wish you were coming to my house. Though I love flowers I do not like planting them. Yours look like they will perk up any and everyone walking past your house!
Catsinger, I hadn't used Rutgers before but I was hoping it had more flavor than the usual hybrids. Mr. Stripey came from the Ace Hardware, of all places. They had several heirloom varieties, to my surprise. The only thing was, all the heirlooms were in 4" pots, and are TINY. I bought the larger plants for the hybrids so they had a head start.
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